Let’s talk about the latest website trends that have emerged in 2022 which you can also apply to your website. But remember, all these techniques might not suit your brand. Choose what’s best for your product or service you offer aligning with your brand positioning.
A trend has been created to have one-page websites with a simple scroll design which has been popular among business owners with a narrow subject matter. For example Photographers, creative artists use the website as a creative work-space to showcase their creativity in a single page..
While memes & funny videos are getting extremely popular in social media, some brands have leveraged rumour into their websites. Bringing playfulness not just to the copy and images but also the navigation, menus & interactions. They are keen on positioning their whole brand as fun & relaxing.
Brands are moving towards giving their website users an experience of using an app which they commonly use for all sorts of interactions daily. They believe that people are so used to apps that having smaller, experience-focused sites are the future of web design.
In 2022, words have become more of a creative element just like the images & other graphics. Typography of unusual sizes of text has become a fresh & bold design trend among brands.
Some websites have adapted to interactive fonts where they can make text move with the user’s mouse.
In 2022, many websites are adapting to using lesser images & illustrations in hero content & landing pages.
As the hero images give a strong impact for any brand, utilising lesser flashy images and giving more attention to style & content seems to have helped to put distractions behind and focus on the brand, products & services itself once a user lands on the website.
Abstract illustrations have more of an organic sense & a special feel of creativity with human hands in creating these images. For years , websites with nice photography, vector images have ruled the world of best websites, but these abstract illustrations have started to gain more attention. The brands which utilise these images in their websites have started to gain popularity in 2022.
Websites are gaining attention in a new way in 2022. Calling attention to towns,cities the team visited, the location where the founder/creator lived has become a new trend to websites. Maybe people love this type of content when they miss travelling or website visitors just love to know more about the people who make that all happen behind a brand, this new trend has started to gain a lot of attention
It is so inspiring to see these changes after waiting for so long for websites & web design.We can’t wait to see what is more to come for websites in years to come. Hope you too as a business owner, adapt to at least some of these changes, so that not only you & your team, your customers too will be very much excited to visit your site.