If you are a new business you will definitely need email accounts with the same domain as your website. Domain emails create legitimacy, credibility that you are serious about what you do. Do not use gmail accounts to communicate with customers. Please !
WebMob provides email accounts along with your domain and hosting. We can provide any number of email accounts you will need. If your work force keeps improving, we can keep adding email accounts.
WebMob plans have the following number of email accounts. However, if this number restricts you from obtaining the perfect plan, we are flexible to adjust email accounts according to your need.
Plan A – The Capos – Upto 5 emails
Plan B – The Consigliere – Upto 15 emails
Plan C – The Underboss – Upto 25 emails
Plan D – The Don – Unlimited
If you already have email accounts, we can configure them to the hosting along with your domain.